石家庄大瀚经过多年的不懈努力和实践的积累,已发展成集研发、生产、销售、服务于 一体的大型生产制造企业;工厂拥有先进的生产设备数台,占地8000平方米;优秀的销售及研发团队50多人,拥有共同的目标和企业理念,强烈的企业使命感始终致力于广大客户服务,公司始终坚持以人为本,服务客户定的理念;本着互利、双赢、诚信、高效的宗旨,坚持与客户携手共创未来。
◎ 总经理格言:要把为顾客服务的思想致力于利润之上,利润不是目的,只不过是为顾客服务的结果而已!
◎ 企业目标:让全国660个城市都具备脚垫生产能力及连锁经营,实现本地生产本地销售,以最快的交货时间,最多的产品和花色,最稳定的质量来赢得市场认可。
◎ 企业使命:为所有加盟商提供全套的生产资质和技术指导及产品策划:营业执照、商标授权、专利、SGS产品检验报告、ISO9001、增值税发票等来配合加盟单位的市场营销策略。
◎ 企业信念: 做中国脚垫行业第一品牌:品牌渗透大江南北!产品覆盖全国各地! ◎ Shijiazhuang Dahan after the accumulation of years of unremitting efforts and practice, has developed into a set research and development, production, sales and service in one of the large-scale production and manufacturing enterprises; factory has advanced production equipment, the number of units, covers an area of 8000 square meters; outstanding sales and R & D team of more than 50 people, with common goals and business philosophy, strong enterprise mission has always been committed to the broad masses of customer service, the company always adhere to the people-oriented, customer service concept; with the purpose of mutual benefit and win-win, honest, efficient, adhere to the with customers to join hands in creating the future.
◎ General manager motto: to serve the customer service to the idea of profit, profit is not the purpose, but is the result of customer service only!
◎ Corporate goals: let 660 cities nationwide have mat production capacity and chain operation, to achieve local production of local sales, with the fastest delivery time, most products and colors, the most stable quality to win market recognition.
◎ Enterprise mission: for all the franchisee to provide a full set of production qualifications and technical guidance and product planning: business license, trademark licensing, patents, SGS test report, ISO9001, value-added tax invoices to match to join units on the market marketing strategy.
◎ Enterprise faith: the first brand China mat industry: brand penetration on both sides of the Changjiang River! Product coverage throughout the country! |